Virtual classes have been increasing throughout the country. Even though there are currently about 250,000 out of 50 million students who take online classes, the numbers continue to increase. While online classes can be beneficial to many people, I believe that young children should not learn in front of a computer screen. Online classes are especially useful for college students who cannot attend a 4-year or a 2-year school. These students may have a full time job or single parents who can only take classes on their own time at their own pace. The cost of college is at an all-time high, so while some cannot afford to go to class, they depend on the cheaper online schools.
A post local article states that virtual classes have been expanding dramatically by a Virginia company. Kids as young as five years old are getting an education via computers rather than learning in a classroom. Unless these children have specific reasons in which they cannot physically participate in a classroom or for parental decisions, online classes should not be available for young elementary school kids. Some kids, who have disabilities or struggle in public schools, may learn more efficiently through virtual classes.
The advantages that are associated with online schooling is that the kids can sleep in, and wake up to class on their own computers, which may only last about three hours a day. This is helpful for children who have a busy lifestyle. The student and teacher could have a better one-on-one connection that can benefit the kids learning ability also. Some parents are paranoid of their child’s safety in public school, and decided that keeping them home to learn is a better idea. Online learning, in some people’s opinion, may be the best method of home schooling.
However, forcing young elementary school children to learn in front of a monitor, and shunning them from the public is just wrong. Sense most five year olds do not make their own decision of what school they will attend or how they will learn, young children who do take virtual classes could be unaware of what it is like to learn in a classroom. These kids may grow up with only a few friends, or have trouble socializing with other kids their own age. In some adults’ defense, children who have difficulty learning may be more successful learning online. Though how difficult can a kindergarten class be? I believe these children need to learn how to act around others, and how to socialize and make new friends. It is an important process of growing up. Elementary schools provide special, smaller classes for those who have trouble learning in a regular classroom. This way, they kids will be able to learn more efficiently at a slower pace, while being around other children.